Jackson Traynor fucks Sean Duran in “Confessions of a Straight Man” part three

Gay porn mega site Men.com has paired up Jackson Traynor and Sean Duran for the third scene from their “Confessions of a Straight Man” mini-series. You’ve probably seen Jack and his big cock in action at Next Door Studios or Reality Dudes, but this is actually his first scene for the Men.com network.

Sean Duran and Jackson Traynor are up next with their reenactment of a hot straight guy gone gay story. Sean starts to suck on Jackson’s over-sized cock, before the two of them get into a hot 69 position to suck each other’s dicks. Sean then impales himself onto Jackson’s hard dick and starts to ride it. Doggy-style is next on their fuck list… What happens in the locker room stays in the locker room!

Watch Sean Duran take Jackson Traynor’s big cock in the full-length Men.com video



Watch Jackson Traynor fuck Sean Duran in “Confessions of a Straight Man” part 3


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