Ronny takes Ray Diesel’s 10 inch cock in “Black on Twink” from Fuckermate

The guys from Fuckermate have released a hot bareback video, called “Black on Twink“. Latin bottom Ronny has returned to take some big cock…. Ray Diesel‘s 10 inch cock to be precise. The bitchy bottom wants something big for breakfast this morning and Ray has got what he’s after.

The American alpha male fulfills the hungry bottom’s wishes and feeds him his 10 inches of black hard cock. Ronny is delighted by the vision of all that meat and dilates his holes, mouth and ass, to not miss a second of this memorable fuck. Of course, Ronny also takes all of the thick cum that Ray serves him. That’s a delicious breakfast for sure!

Watch Ronny take Ray Diesel’s raw 10 incher at Fuckermate



Watch Ronny take Ray Diesel’s 10 inch cock at Fuckermate


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