Rico Fatale and Damien Crosse flip-fuck in “Uncut Legends” part two from Men.com

Gay porn mega site Men.com has today released the second scene from their “Uncut Legends” mini-series. This is Rico Fatale‘s first scene for Men.com and they have paired him up with the hot and horny Damien Crosse. You’ve probably seen Rico before, since he has filmed several scenes for UK Hot Jocks, Badpuppy, Butch Dixon and UK Naked Men.

This series is all about uncut cocks and both Rico and Damien got a fine piece of uncut meat hanging between their legs. The guys play with each other’s foreskins as they suck each other. After rimming each other, the guys are ready to fuck! Damien fucks Rico from behind and then in missionary position. The guys flip and Damien takes Rico’s big uncut cock up his ass.

Watch Rico Fatale and Damien Crosse flip-fuck in “Uncut Legends” part two


Watch Rico Fatale and Damien Crosse fuck in the full-length video


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