Bruce Beckham and Micah Brandt fuck in “LA Cruising” part 3 from Titan Men

Titan Men members have a great start of November, cause the studio has today released a very hot flip-fuck scene. It’s the third scene from their “LA Cruising” movie, which brings together masculine studs Bruce Beckham and Micah Brandt. The guys share a mutual look back at each other that combusts when they get inside. Bruce frees his beast, prompting a “Jesus!”

from the wide-eyed Micah, who falls to his knees. Bruce holds the sucker’s head down as he makes Micah choke on it, the voracious sucker gasping for air (“Beat my face with it!”) and begging for “More!” when Bruce spits in his mouth.

Bruce sucks him back, then gets eaten and fucked as Micah slaps his ass. On his back, Bruce gets it fast and slow, the two then flipping as the verbal Micah moans (“Fucking take it! I’m so open for you!”) – his eyes rolling up in his head, yelling “Keep fucking me!” as he squirts.

Watch Bruce Beckham and Micah Brandt flip-fuck at Titan Men


Watch Bruce Beckham and Micah Brandt flip-fuck at Titan Men


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