Will Braun takes Roman Todd’s hard cock in “Fuck Me Silly” part two from Men.com

Holy shit! Gay porn mega site Men.com has paired up Roman Todd and Will Braun and I think it’s safe to say that this is one of the best pairings this year. This is the second scene from their “Fuck Me Silly” mini-series. MEN members have rewarded this scene with a unreal 98% score, so I guess that the vast majority of the members agrees.

Upset that his boyfriend isn’t attentive with him, Will turns to Roman to slurp up yet another horny stick of man meat. The hot and horny hunks suck each other’s cocks, before Roman fucks Will’s ass… while they kiss passionately. This is how chemistry between two guys should look! Will rubs out a load while Roman fucks him in missionary positions. A few moments later, Roman follows and shoots his load all over himself.

Watch Roman Todd bang Will Braun in “Fuck Me Silly” part 2


Watch Will Braun take Roman Todd’s cock in “Fuck Me Silly” part 2


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