Hector De Silva fucks Massimo Piano in “The Genie” part two from Men.com

Gay porn mega site Men.com has today released the second scene from their mini-series “The Genie“. Spanish hunk Massimo Piano is back again and is ready to take a good pounding from bearded stud Hector De Silva. The guys have a great chemistry, which makes for a very hot and passionate scene. Also, the guys have been paired up before by Men At Play.

Now that Massimo Piano knows the Genie can deliver, he makes sure to use his next wish wisely; by getting in one last fuck with his ex, Hector De Silva. Massimo spreads his hole wide to soak in every second of Hector pumping his hard cock in and out of him.

Watch Hector De Silva fuck Massimo Piano at MEN


Watch Hector De Silva and Massimo Piano fuck in “The Genie” part 2


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