Dustin Holloway takes River Wilson’s hard dick in “When The Sun Hits” part three

For the third scene from their “When The Sun Hits” mini-series, gay porn mega site Men.com has paired up two very fit and sexy hunks; River Wilson and Dustin Holloway. Dustin’s report is coming to an end but not before a sex filled run in with River Wilson.

The guys make out and suck each other’s cocks, before River prepares Dustin’s hole with his tongue. After a hot rimming session, Dustin impales himself onto River’s hard cock and fucks himself. The horny hunks change positions a couple of times and end their sexcapade with two poweful cumshots.

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Watch River Wilson fuck Dustin Holloway in “When The Sun Hits” part 3


Watch River Wilson fuck Dustin Holloway in the full-length MEN video


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