Twink boy Tyler Hill bottoms for hot newcomer Calvin Banks at Helix Studios

Helix Studios has realeased Calvin Banks first hardcore video. Calvin is a well built and blue eyed beautiful piece of Mass. Recently, he met up at San Diego’s Balboa Park with Helix Superstar and exceptionally skilled bottom, Tyler Hill for his opening interview before popping his porn cherry.

The two Balboa bad boys talked coming out, first times and best times before taking it behind closed doors. Watch as Tyler’s world famous fuck rump conjure a fat load from Calvin’s wide 8.5 inch wand and see why the dominant dude from the Bay State might be a Massachusetts native, but today he’d rather be in Tyler Hill.

Watch Tyler Hill bottoming for Calvin Banks at Helix Studios
Helix Studios now offers streaming-only memberships for just $19.95 per month. You can watch the entire video library on your desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, Roku or any other internet-connected device.

Watch Tyler Hill bottoming for newcomer Calvin Banks at Helix Studios


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