Diego Sans enjoys Nate Grimes’ hungry hole in “Thoroughbred” part one from Men.com

Gay porn mega site Men.com has just released the first scene from their brand new “Thoroughbred” mini-series. They have paired up Brazilian muscle top Diego Sans and hungry bottom slut Nate Grimes. This is Nate’s debut for Men.com – but he has worked for Stud Fist and Gay Room before.

Diego wastes no time and begins to explore Nate’s ass with his tongue. He rims that sloppy hole, even before the guys suck each other off. Nate impales himself on Diego’s hard cock and take it deep. Next, Diego pounds him from above in a hot shoulder stand position. They fuck in some more positions before Diego showers the hungry bottom with cum.

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Watch Diego Sans fuck slutty bottom boy Nate Grimes

Watch Nate Grimes bottom for muscle top Diego Sans at Men.com

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