Sexy hunks Oliver King and Sean Peyton service each other at Chaosmen

Chaosmen has released another hot “Serviced” video starring sexy hunks Oliver King and Sean Peyton. This isn’t a traditional serviced video though, cause they both pleasure and service each other. If you’re into blowjobs and face-fucking… then don’t miss this one!

Since Oliver King was down to swap oral, I had him sitting on the edge of the bed so he would have quicker access to Sean Peyton‘s cock. But he lay back and ended up in a traditional Serviced position. I slid some pillows in there on the sly to give him some support. Sean sets to work at getting Oliver hard and has him up and running in no time.

Oliver really isn’t watching the TV I had going for him, but seemed very interested in what Sean was doing to his cock. Eventually Sean stands up to give Oliver access to his cock, then he pulls it out and starts stroking it. Sean straddles his chests giving Oliver a chance to suck his cock. He then reaches back, stroking his buddy’s cock while getting serviced.

Sean climbs off and goes full throttle on Oliver’s cock. He then gets on his back so Oliver can face fuck him. Oliver busts a very small load, so I asked him if he could take a load to the face. While he is not super hungry to eat some cum, he actually does pretty good job of taking a load to the face! Thank goodness Sean’s balls were full of cum!

Watch Oliver King and Sean Peyton service each other at Chaosmen

Watch Oliver King and Sean Peyton service each other at Chaosmen


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