Dirk Caber and Jack Hunter flip-fuck in “Straight A Student” part three from Men.com

Gay porn mega site Men.com has released the third and final scene from their mini-series “Straight A Student“. Horny studentĀ Jack Hunter fulfills his fantasy as he flip fucks with his sexy teacher, Dirk Caber.

When Jack Hunter and Dirk Caber are alone after class, Jack wastes no time and tries to get into Dirk’s pants. The sexy teacher seems just as eager and it doesn’t take long before they swap blowjobs. Next, Dirk prepares Jack’s ass with a thorough rimjob, so he can shove his hard cock deep inside the horny student’s ass. Not only does Jack get his ass fucked, he also gets to fuck Dirk’s ass, as they swap positions.

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Watch Dirk Caber and Jack Hunter flip-fucking at Men.com

Watch Dirk Caber and Jack Hunter flip-fucking at Men.com


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