Diego Sans pounds Ricky Larkin’s hairy ass in “Slam Dunk” part three from Men.com

In the third part from the Men.com mini-series “Slam Dunk“, we see a very hot pair; muscle hunk Diego Sans and the sexy and hairy Ricky Larkin. They suck and fuck in some pretty acrobatic positions and you can tell they are really into each other.

Ricky Larkin’s wife is being bitch and he wants some relief. He weighs his options and eventually joins a gay basketball league in the hopes of meeting someone who will ravage his hairy hole. Diego Sans knows when he’s needed as he slams Ricky’s cheating ass with his rock hard cock.

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Watch Diego Sans fucking Ricky Larkin in the free trailer

Watch Diego Sans fucking Ricky Larkin’s hairy ass at Men.com

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