Raging Stallion: Travis Connor gets fucked by Ryan Bones in “Truck Loads” (scene 1)
Raging Stallion has released the first scene from their latest movie, called “Truck Loads“. Director Iza Elle has paired up Travis Connor and Ryan Bones.
When trucker Travis Connor pulls up late with his delivery for the burly Ryan Bones, he immediately drops to his knees to show his client why he was worth the wait.
Still in the back of his truck, Travis gulps down his client’s cock and even lets Ryan have a taste of his throbbing dick before turning his muscular body around to be drilled raw.
Ryan handles the meaty thighs, cheeks, and dick of the 6’3′ truck driver as the horny bottom bounces up and down and is filed up by Ryan’s daddy dick all over his truck.
Now leaning up against a lone dolly as his client delivers his final bareback pumps, Travis shoots his load on the floor with Ryan quickly pulling out to drench the driver’s fat cheeks seconds after.
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Watch Ryan Bones fuck Travis Connor at Raging Stallion